Text Moderation


API Endpoint:


NOTE: 'your_secretId' need to be replaced by your own secretId, please contact Tuputech to create a secretId.

Request Method:


Request Header:

Content-Type: application/json

Request and Response Parameters:

Sample request

 "text": [
   "content": "32132131",
   "contentId": "5bcf23077f532488c2ccd6a615414997698270",
   "userId": "test",
   "forumId": "car"
 "timestamp": 1541499770,
 "nonce": 0.8469537531104208,
 "signature": "CsIMcHuWqn/QFEnHWcFEhrB7ydcg5xTKawpRpNqA9Nw2WlCVIDR5jDcyUF85"

Sample curl request

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
 "text": [
   "content": "32132131",
   "contentId": "5bcf23077f532488c2ccd6a615414997698270",
   "userId": "test",
   "forumId": "car"
 "timestamp": 1541499770,
 "nonce": 0.8469537531104208,
 "signature": "CsIMcHuWqn/QFEnHWcFEhrB7ydcg5xTKawpRpNqA9Nw2WlCVIDR5jDcyUF85"
}' \

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
text Array Yes The text to be moderated. For more details, see text.
timestamp Number Yes The current UNIX timestamp of the server.
nonce Number Yes Random number
signature String Yes The algorithm used for digital signature is "RSA-SHA256", and the signature will be base64 encoded. Please follow the steps below for authentication:
1. All the parameters involving in the authentication process are secretId, timestamp, and nounce. Separate them with half-width comma, obtain sign string.
2. Use your private key to generate signature based on "RSA-SHA256" algorithm, encode in base64, and obtain value of signature parameter. See Public Key Management to learn how to generate private key and upload your public for authentication.

QPS Limits

  • maximum 50 queries per second
  • maximum 10 text files per query

To increase concurrency, please contact Tuputech team.

Parameter Type Required Description
content String Yes The text to be moderated. Text content can be in the form of word or sentence.
contentId String No User custom ID used for specific text searching. Suggested ID format: “secretId + current time + random number”. For more information, see Request Sample.
userId String No User ID
forumId String No Forum ID

Response Parameters

Common structure of service response data

Parameter Type Required Description
signature String Yes The algorithm used for digital signature is "RSA-SHA256", and the signature will be base64 encoded. Download Tuputech’s public key certificatefirst, and then follow the steps below for authentication:
1. JSON.parse() parses received JSON data, and return JSON object which is named“data”.
2. “data” consists of two fields: “signature”-digital signature; “json”- string format of valid data.
3. use signature to verify json based on RSA-SHA25 algorithm (output type: base64), and receive the authentication result.
4. After passing the authentication, JSON.parse() json, JSON data returned. For more information, see the description of json below.
json String Yes After parsing json by JSON.parse(json), the result contains:
message:text corresponding to code parameter.
timestamp:The current UNIX timestamp of the server.
nonce:random number

Structure after JSON parsing

Parameter Type Required Description
code Number Yes Status code of the request, see Common Status Code Description.
message String Yes Status message of the request.
timestamp Number Yes The current UNIX timestamp of the server.
nonce Number Yes Random number
summary Array No Summary of the results. Disabled by default, please contact Tuputech to enable.
[taskId] Object Yes Result of tasks. Each task has its own taskID and [taskId] data structure.
... ... No Results of other tasks and requests.
  "signature": "signature_from_tupu_service", 
  "json": "{\"code\":0,\"message\":\"success\",\"nonce\":\"0.5442530125172196\",\"timestamp\":1595318082309}"

Task Result



Data structure of taskId object
Parameter Type Required Description
texts Array Yes Detailed results of moderation. See texts below.
Parameter Type Required Description
content String Yes Text content
action String Yes Moderation result. Valid values: 'pass': the text has passed moderation. 'block': the text is rejected due to potentially non-compliant content. 'review': the text requires human review.
label String Yes The category of the text moderated: 'Normal': normal content; 'Terror': violent, terrorist, bloody content; 'Porn': pornographic content; 'Politics': political content; 'Sensitive': sensitive or offensive content; 'Ads': ad; 'Abuse': abuse, profanity, cyberbullying; 'Nonsense': excessive junk content; 'UserDefine': custom label for specific content.
review Bool Yes Whether human review is required. Valid values: ture: yes false: no
rate Float Yes The score of the confidence level. Valid values: 0.0 to 1.0 or null. A greater value indicates a higher confidence level of the results.
details Array Yes The details of the objectionable content that the moderated text hits. If the action is “pass”, then the details will be an empty array. For more information about the structure, see details.
contentId String No User custom ID
userId String No User ID
forumId String No Forum ID
Parameter Type Required Description
keyword String No The objectionable words in the moderated text.
hint String No The objectionable keywords the moderated text hits.
mainLabel String No The main label of the keywords: 'Normal': normal content; 'Terror': violent, terrorist, bloody content; 'Porn': pornographic content; 'Politics': political content; 'Sensitive': sensitive or offensive content; 'Ads': ad; 'Abuse': Abuse, profanity, cyberbullying; 'Nonsense': excessive junk content; 'UserDefine': custom label for specific content.
subLabel String The subcategory of the moderation result.
Sample results
​    "texts":[
​      {
​        "contentId":"5c495dd6ca4faa03dafcb05215517048827110.9555874784367748",
​        "userId":"Test",
​        "forumId":"test",
​        "content":"morning",
​        "action":"pass",
​        "label":"Normal",
​        "review":false,
​        "rate":0.998047,
​        "details":[
​        ]
​      },
​      {
​        "contentId":"5c495dd6ca4faa03dafcb05215517048827110.9555874784367748",
​        "userId":"Test",
​        "forumId":"test",
​        "content":"Barack Obama",
​        "action":"block",
​        "label":"Politics",
​        "review":false,
​        "rate":1,
​        "details":[
​          {
​            "keyword":"Barack Obama",
​            "hint":"Barack Obama",
​            "mainLabel":"Politics",
​            "subLabel":"National_Leader"
​          }
​        ]
​      }
​    ]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""